More about Penpot 2.0 release?
Dev Diaries

Penpot 2.0: Design and Code Collaboration on another level.
Penpot brings unique and brand new features: CSS Grid Layout, advanced Components and much more to scale your product designs!

What's new?
CSS Grid Layout
Use columns and rows to distribute elements in a responsive way. Make your developer's work easier and faster. A step further in interface layout!
Download and learn CSS Grid Layout
New Components System
A most powerful systematic way to reuse elements across your projects. Design at scale - work faster and maintain consistency.

Redesigned UI
Penpot's new UI offers a smoother, more intuitive and agile navigation. Improved accessibility best practices.
Discover our beautiful UI

HTML Markup Code
Get HTML in the inspect tab. Images are treated as element fills so their aspect ratio remains consistent when resized—ideal for flexible designs!
What's coming up next?