Integrate Penpot with your stack and workflows
Extend Penpot’s capabilities, integrate it into your DesignOps or GitOps workflows, and take design and code collaboration to the next level.
Options to integrate Penpot
in your workflow
Open API
Get extensive access to objects and properties to enable external rendering, workflow automation, enhanced app functionality, and more.
See integration guide

Extra! Workflow integrations

Access tokens
Use access tokens as an alternative login authentication. They can allow an app to access Penpot's API.

Outbound webhooks are event calls from Penpot to other applications. They notify that some event occurred, e.g. a file has been created or updated, a comment has been added, etc.

Plugins / Addons
Our plugin system brings the flexibility that devs need to create and publish their own custom extensions.
Integration examples

Penpot Export
Export your design tokens from Penpot into ready-to-use code or parseable data files.
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