
Dev Diaries

Monday, July 8, 2024

2.1 - Things can only get better!

✨ New Features

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • Fix selection rectangle appears on scroll Taiga #7525
  • Fix layer tree not expanding to the bottom edge Taiga #7466
  • Fix guides move when board is moved by inputs Taiga #8010
  • Fix clickable area of Penptot logo in the viewer Taiga #7988
  • Fix constraints dropdown when selecting multiple shapes Taiga #7686
  • Layout and scrollign fixes for the bottom palette Taiga #7559
  • Fix expand libraries when search results are present Taiga #7876
  • Fix color palette default library Taiga #8029
  • Component Library is lost after exporting/importing in .zip format Github #4672
  • Fix problem with moving+selection not working properly Taiga #7943
  • Fix problem with flex layout fit to content not positioning correctly children Taiga #7537
  • Fix black line is displaying after show main Taiga #7653
  • Fix "Share prototypes" modal remains open Taiga #7442
  • Fix "Components visibility and opacity" Taiga #4694
  • Fix "Attribute overrides in copies are not exported in zip file" Taiga #8072
  • Fix group not automatically selected in the Layers panel after creation Taiga #8078
  • Fix export boards loses opacity Taiga #7592
  • Fix change color on imported svg also changes the stroke alignment Taiga #7673
  • Fix show in view mode and interactions workflow Taiga #4711
  • Fix internal error when I set up a stroke for some objects without and with stroke Taiga #7558
  • Toolbar keeps toggling on and off on spacebar press Taiga #7654
  • Fix toolbar keeps hiding when click outside workspace Taiga #7776
  • Fix open overlay relative to a frame Taiga #7563
  • Workspace-palette items stay hidden when opening with keyboard-shortcut Taiga #7489
  • Fix SVG attrs are not handled correctly when exporting/importing in .zip Taiga #7920
  • Fix validation error when detaching with two nested copies and a swap Taiga #8095
  • Export shapes that are rotated act a bit strange when reimported Taiga #7585
  • Penpot crashes when a new colorpicker is created while uploading an image to another instance Taiga #8119
  • Removing Underline and Strikethrough Affects the Previous Text Object Taiga #8103
  • Color library loses association with shapes when exporting/importing the document Taiga #8132
  • Fix can't collapse groups when searching in the assets tab Taiga #8125
  • Fix 'Detach instance' shortcut is not working Taiga #8102
  • Fix import file message does not detect 0 as error Taiga #6824
  • Image Color Library is not persisted when exporting/importing in .zip Taiga #8131
Sunday, April 7, 2024

2.0 - Just can't get enough

🚀 Epics and highlights

New Libraries and templates dashboard

✨ New Features

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • Fix pixelated thumbnails Github #3681, Github #3661
  • Fix problem with not applying colors to boards Github #3941
  • Fix problem with path editor undoing changes Github #3998
  • [View mode] Open overlay places frame in the wrong position when paired with a fixed element Taiga #6385
  • Flex Layout: Fit-content not recalculated after deleting an element Taiga #5968
  • Selecting from Color Palette does not work for board when there is no existing fill Taiga #6464
  • Color thumbnails are consistently rounded in the inspect code mode Taiga #5886
  • Adding vector path points before first point of existing open path not working Taiga #6593
  • Some image formats include the extension when importing Taiga #5485
  • Gradient color tool doesn't work properly with flipped items Taiga #6485
  • [TEXT] Align options are not show when several text are selected Taiga #5948
  • [VIEW MODE] Comments not working properly on multiple pages Taiga #6281
  • [PERFORMANCE] Alignments are slow Taiga #5865
  • [EXPORT] Exporting an element with a non-visible drop shadow displays the shadow either way Taiga #6768
  • [SAFARI] Color picker cursor is not pointing correctly Taiga #6733
  • [Import Files] When user has imported .penpot file with new file name of previously downloaded library file the default library file name is set for it Taiga #5596
  • Issue when resizing a duotone FA icon Taiga #5935
  • "Hide grid" keyboard shortcut broken Taiga #5102
  • Picking a gradient color in recent colors for a new color in the assets tab crashes PenPot Taiga #5601
  • Thumbnails not loading Taiga #6012
  • Don't show signup link/form when registration is disabled. Taiga #1196
  • Registration Page UI UX issue with small resolutions Taiga #1693
  • [LOGIN] "E-Mail-Adress" input field is set to type 'text' instead of 'eMail Taiga #1921
  • Handling correctly slashes "/" in emails Taiga #4906
  • Tab character in texts crashes the app Taiga #4418
  • Text does not match export Taiga #4129
  • Scrollbars cover the layers carets Taiga #4431
  • Horizontal ruler disappear when overlapping a board Taiga #4138
  • Resize shape + Alt key is not working Taiga #3447
  • Libraries images broken on premise Taiga #4573
  • [VIEWER] Cannot scroll down in code </> mode Taiga #4655
  • Strange cursor behavior after clicking viewport with text tool Taiga #4363
  • Selected color affects all of them Taiga #5285

❤️ Community contributions by (Thank you!)

  • New Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo translations and update translation files (by All For Tech Empowerment Foundation) Taiga #6950, Taiga #6534
  • Hide bounding-box when editing shape (by @VasilevsVV) #3930
  • CTRL + "+" to zoom into canvas instead of browser (by @audriu) #3848
  • Add dev deps.edn in the project root (by @PEZ) #3794
  • Allow passing overrides to frontend nginx config (by @m90) #3602
  • Update index.njk to remove typo (by @fdvmoreira) #155
  • Typo (by StephanEggermont) #157

💥 Breaking changes

  • New strokes default to inside border Taiga #6847
  • Change default z ordering on layers in flex layout. The previous behavior was inconsistent with how HTML works and we changed it to be more consistent. Previous layers that overlapped could be hidden, the fastest way to fix this is changing the z-index property but a better way is to change the order of your layers.
Thursday, July 20, 2023

1.19.0 - My own summer

✨ New Features

  • Default naming of text layers Taiga #2836
  • Create typography style from a selected text layer Taiga #3041
  • Board as ruler origin Taiga #4833
  • Access tokens support Taiga #4460
  • Show interactions setting at the view mode Taiga #1330
  • Improve dashboard performance related to thumbnails; now the thumbnails are rendered as bitmap images.
  • Add the ability to disable google fonts provider with the disable-google-fonts-provider flag.
  • Add the ability to disable dashboard templates section with the disable-dashboard-templates-section flag.
  • Add the ability to use the registration whitelist with OICD Github #3348
  • Add support for local caching of google fonts (this avoids exposing the final user IP to goolge and reduces the amount of request sent to google)
New Libraries and templates dashboard

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • Fix files can be opened from multiple urls Taiga #5310
  • Fix asset color item was created from the selected layer Taiga #5180
  • Fix unpublish more than one library at the same time Taiga #5532
  • Fix drag projects on dahsboard Taiga #5531
  • Fix allow team name to be all blank Taiga #5527
  • Fix search font visualitation Taiga #5523
  • Fix create and account only with spaces Taiga #5518
  • Fix context menu outside screen Taiga #5524
  • Fix graphic item rename on assets pannel Taiga #5556
  • Fix component and media name validation on assets panel Taiga #5555
  • Fix problem with selection shortcuts Taiga #5492
  • Fix issue with paths line to curve and concurrent editing Taiga #5191
  • Fix problems with locked layers Taiga #5139
  • Fix export from shared prototype Taiga #5565
  • Fix email change: validation error displaying even after both fields are identical Taiga #5514
  • Fix scroll on viewer comment list Taiga #5563
  • Fix context menu z-index Taiga #5561
  • Fix select all checkbox on shared link config Taiga #5566
  • Fix validation on full name input on account creation Taiga #5516
  • Fix validation on team name input Taiga #5510
  • Fix incorrect uri generation issues on share-link modal Taiga #5564
  • Fix cache issues with share-links Taiga #5559
  • Makes height priority for the rows/columns grids #2774
  • Fix problem with comments mode not staying #3363
  • Fix problem with comments when user left the team Taiga #5562
  • Fix problem with images patterns repeating #3372
  • Fix grid not being clipped in frames #3365
  • Fix cut/delete text layer when while creating text Taiga #5602
  • Fix picking a gradient color in recent colors for a new color in the assets tab Taiga #5601
  • Fix problem with importation process Taiga #5597
  • Fix problem with HSV color picker #3317
  • Fix problem with slashes in layers names for exporter #3276
  • Fix incorrect modified data on moving files on dashboard Taiga #5530
  • Fix focus handling on comments edition Taiga #5560
  • Fix incorrect fullname use on registring user after OIDC authentication Taiga #5517
  • Fix incorrect modified-at on project after import file Taiga #5268

⬆️ Deps updates

  • Update google fonts catalog (at 2023/07/06) Taiga #5592

❤️ Community contributions by (Thank you!)

  • Update Typography palette order (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3156
  • Palettes (color, typographies) empty state (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3160
  • Duplicate objects via drag + alt (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3147
  • Set line-height to auto as 1.2 (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3185
  • Click to select full values at the design sidebar (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3179
  • Fix rect filter bounds math (by @ryanbreen) Github #3180
  • Removed sizing variables from radius (by @ondrejkonec) Github #3184
  • Dashboard search, set focus after shortcut (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3196
  • Library name dropdown arrow is overlapped by library name (by @ondrejkonec) Taiga #5200
  • Reorder shadows (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3236
  • Open project in new tab from workspace (by @akshay-gupta7) Github #3246
  • Distribute fix enabled when two elements were selected (by @dfelinto) Github #3266
  • Distribute vertical spacing failing for overlapped text (by @dfelinto) Github #3267
  • Bug Change independent corner radius input tooltips #3332 (by @astudentinearth) Github #3332

Monday, April 3, 2023

1.18.0 - You spin me round (like a record)

✨ New Features

  • Adds more accessibility improvements in dashboard Taiga #4577
  • Adds paddings and gaps prediction on layout creation Taiga #4838
  • Add visual feedback when proportionally scaling text elements with "K" Taiga #3415
  • Add visualization and mouse control to paddings, margins and gaps in frames with layout Taiga #4839
  • Allow for absolute positioned elements inside layout Taiga #4834
  • Add z-index option for flex layout items Taiga #2980
  • Scale content proportionally affects strokes, shadows, blurs and corners Taiga #1951
  • Use tabulators to navigate layers Taiga #5010
New Libraries and templates dashboard

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • Fix problem with rules position on changing pages Taiga #4847
  • Fix error streen when uploading wrong SVG #2995
  • Fix selecting children from hidden parent layers Taiga #4934
  • Fix problem when undoing multiple selected colors Taiga #4920
  • Allow selection of empty board by partial rect Taiga #4806
  • Improve behavior for undo on text edition Taiga #4693
  • Improve deeps selection of nested arboards Taiga #4913
  • Fix problem on selection numeric inputs on Firefox #2991
  • Changed the text dominant-baseline to use ideographic Taiga #4791
  • Viewer wrong translations Github #3035 Fix problem with text editor in Safari
  • Fix unlink library color when blur color picker input #3026
  • Fix snap pixel when moving path points on high zoom #2930
  • Fix shortcuts for zoom now take into account the mouse position #2924
  • Fix close colorpicker on Firefox when mouse-up is outside the picker #2911
  • Fix problems with touch devices and Wacom tablets #2216
  • Fix problem with board titles misplaced Taiga #4738
  • Fix problem with alt getting stuck when alt+tab Taiga #5013
  • Fix problem with z positioning of elements Taiga #5014
  • Fix problem in Firefox with scroll jumping when changin pages #3052
  • Fix nested frame interaction created flow in wrong frame Taiga #5043
  • Font-Kerning does not work on Artboard Export to PNG/JPG/PDF #3029
  • Fix manipulate duplicated project (delete, duplicate, rename, pin/unpin...) Taiga #5027
  • Fix deleted files appear in search results Taiga #5002
  • Fix problem with selected colors and texts Taiga #5051
  • Fix problem when assigning color from palette or assets Taiga #5050
  • Fix shortcuts for alignment Taiga #5030
  • Fix path options not showing when editing rects or ellipses Taiga #5053
  • Fix tooltips for some alignment options are truncated on design tab Taiga #5040
  • Fix horizontal margins drag don't always start from place Taiga #5020
  • Fix multiplayer username sometimes is not displayed correctly Taiga #4400
  • Show warning when trying to invite a user that is already in members Taiga #4147
  • Fix problem with text out of borders when changing from auto-width to fixed Taiga #4308
  • Fix header not showing when exiting fullscreen mode in viewer Taiga #4244
  • Fix visual problem in select options Taiga #5028
  • Forbid empty names for assets Taiga #5056
  • Select children after ungroup action Taiga #4917
  • Fix problem with guides not showing when moving over nested frames Taiga #4905
  • Fix change email and password for users signed in via social login Taiga #4273
  • Fix drag and drop files from browser or file explorer under circumstances Taiga #5054
  • Fix problem when copy/pasting shapes Taiga #4931
  • Fix problem with color picker not able to change hue Taiga #5065
  • Fix problem with outer stroke in texts Taiga #5078
  • Fix problem with text carring over next line when changing to fixed Taiga #5067
  • Fix don't show invite user hero to users with editor role Taiga #5086
  • Fix enter emails on onboarding new user creating team Taiga #5089
  • Fix invalid files amount after moving on dashboard Taiga #5080
  • Fix dashboard left sidebar, the [x] overlaps the field Taiga #5064
  • Fix expanded typography on assets sidebar is moving Taiga #5063
  • Fix spelling mistake in confirmation after importing only 1 file Taiga #5095
  • Fix problem with selection colors and texts Taiga #5079
  • Remove "show in view mode" flag when moving frame to frame Taiga #5091
  • Fix problem creating files in project page Taiga #5060
  • Disable empty names on rename files Taiga #5088
  • Fix problem with SVG and flex layout
  • Fix unpublish and delete shared library warning messages Taiga #5090
  • Fix last update project timer update after creating new file Taiga #5096
  • Fix dashboard scrolling using 'Page Up' and 'Page Down' Taiga #5081
  • Fix view mode header buttons overlapping in small resolutions Taiga #5058
  • Fix precision for wrap in flex Taiga #5072
  • Fix relative position overlay positioning Taiga #5092
  • Fix hide grid keyboard shortcut Github #3071
  • Fix problem with opacity in imported SVG's Taiga #4923

❤️ Community contributions by (Thank you!)

  • To @ondrejkonec: for contributing to the code with: Refactor CSS variables Github #2948

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

1.17.0 - (I’ve had) The time of my life

✨ New Features

  • Adds layout flex functionality for boards
  • Better overlays interactions on boards inside boards Taiga #4386
  • Show board miniature in manual overlay setting Taiga #4475
  • Handoff visual improvements Taiga #3124
  • Dynamic alignment only in sight Github 1971
  • Add some accessibility to shortcut panel Taiga #4713
  • Second level boards treated as groups in terms of selection Taiga #4269
  • Performance improvements both for backend and frontend
  • Accessibility improvements for login area Taiga #4353
  • Outbound webhooks Taiga #4577
  • Add copy invitation link to the invitation options Taiga #4213
  • Dynamic alignment only in sight Taiga #3537
  • Improve naming of layers Taiga #4036
  • Add zoom lense Taiga #4691
  • Detect potential problems with custom font vertical metrics Taiga #4697
New Libraries and templates dashboard

🐛 Bugs fixed

❤️ Community contributions by (Thank you!)

  • To @iprithvitharun: let's make UX Writing contributions in Open Source a trend!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

1.16.0 Beta - Never Gonna Give You Up

💥 Breaking changes

  • Removed the support for v2 internal file data blob format. This version has never been documented nor set as default value so technically this is not a breaking change because we are removing a "private API".

✨ New Features

  • Improve interactions with nested boards Taiga #4054
  • Add team hero in projects dashboard Taiga #3863
  • Add zoom style to shared link Taiga #3874
  • Add dashboard creation button as placeholder Taiga #3861
  • Improve invitation flow on onboarding Taiga #3241
  • Add new text to initial modals Taiga #3458
  • Add new questions to onboarding Taiga #3462
  • Add cosmetic changes in viewer mode Taiga #3688
  • Outline highlights on layer hovering Taiga #2645 by @andrewzhurov
  • Add zoom to shape on double click up on its icon Taiga #3929 by @andrewzhurov
  • Add Libraries & Templates carousel Taiga #3860
  • Ungroup frames Taiga #4012
  • Newsletter Opt-in options for subscription categories Taiga #3242
  • Print emails to console by default if smtp is disabled
  • Add email-verification flag for enable/disable email verification
  • Make graphics thumbnails load lazy Taiga #4252

New Libraries and templates dashboard

🐛 Bugs fixed

  • Fix unexpected removal of guides on copy&paste frames Taiga #3887 by @andrewzhurov
  • Fix props preserving on copy&paste texts Taiga #3629 by @andrewzhurov
  • Fix unexpected layers ungrouping on moving it Taiga #3932 by @andrewzhurov
  • Fix artboards moving with comment tool selected Taiga #3938
  • Fix undo on delete page does not preserve its order Taiga #3375
  • Fix unexpected 404 on deleting library that is used by deleted files
  • Fix inconsistent message on deleting library when a library is linked from deleted files
  • Fix change multiple colors with SVG Taiga #3889
  • Fix ungroup does not work for typographies Taiga #4195
  • Fix inviting to non existing users can fail Taiga #4108
  • Fix components marked as touched when moved Taiga #4061

❤️ Community contributions by (Thank you!)

  • To @andrewzhurov for many code contributions on this release.
  • UI improvements in Project section (by @Waishnav) #2285
  • Fix fronted comments (by @lol768) #2368